2016 is a transition year for AIPJ. For information on 2011-2015 programs, please click 'Completed Programs' button

Building anti corruption values among children in Makassar
A thousand children from 62 primary schools in South Sulawesi played the newly launched anti ...Read more

Bogor's Women Association hold anti corruption quiz
All sub-districts in Bogor participated in the event which was also attended by HE Australian ...Read more

Peter Fanning, Hutabarat Halim & Rekan, Vice President IABC
The Australian Embassy offered the opportunity to the IABC to establish a direct relationship with ...Read more

Island focus: New game app for anticorruption drive
As a part of corruption-prevention efforts, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) launched an anticorruption game ...Read more

Law Enforcers Join SPAK
Saya, Perempuan Anti Korupsi (SPAK) ...Read more

Anti Corruption Games: Semai
Semai means Sembilan Nilai or ...Read more

Anti Corruption Games: Putput LK
Putput LK means Putar-putar lawan ...Read more

Anti Corruption Games: Majo
Majo means Lima Jodoh or ...Read more