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Key Achievements July-December 2013: Court Reform Program

AIPJ is working with legal and judicial institutions to improve services and accessibility, especially in delivering Consistent, Timely and Transparent Decisions. To help make this happen, AIPJ is working with partners to make courts decisions accessible publicly and promote knowledge management from the published decisions to be referred to by judges, members of legal community, and public members at large.

Publicly available decisions mean judicial process is more transparent and opportunities for corrupt practices diminish. Publicly available decisions also mean that legal discourse, legal practice and law enforcement, also law making in Indonesia can be strengthened with reference to jurisprudence, being one of the main sources of law.

AIPJ is also helping to improve case management, and supporting the introduction of the chambers system in the Supreme Court. This means judges receive cases related to their specialisation and can process their cases in less time, reducing the case backlog, and predominantly serving the justice seekers better.