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Key Achievements July-December 2013: Anti Corruption Program

AIPJ has supported Indonesia’s Attorney General’s Office (AGO) to develop a public awareness campaign that uses fun, interactive games and activities to get the message across.

Our Anti Corruption team together with AGO Centre for Legal Information have travelled to several provinces to show local officers and general public how to use the new material. Questions are based on everyday experiences relevant to the participants:

Q: A neighbour was beaten up by a group of people on the street and you saw it. The police asked you to act as a witness in court, but you did not show up. Is this a criminal offence?

Participants are divided into teams with the winners demonstrating the greatest legal knowledge, often generating lively discussion and debate in the process. ‘I didn’t know learning about the law could be fun’, said Solatiah, celebrating her team’s win in the Mataram session.

This infographic shows the spread of AIPJ's support to Attorney General Offices' efforts in preventing corruption, by the development of new tools and media.