2016 is a transition year for AIPJ. For information on 2011-2015 programs, please click 'Completed Programs' button

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Thousands of Indonesian women spread the anti corruption message

Thousands of Indonesian women spread the anti corruption message

AIPJ’s anti corruption work includes supporting the KPK to increase its independence and develop investigation skills – especially in fraud control and asset recovery. We are also working with the Prosecution office, supporting their public outreach campaign to teach citizens about their rights and obligations under Indonesian law. Other support includes institutional reform at the AGO and the Prosecutorial Commission.

AIPJ also funds and works directly with civil society organisations, including our national partners MAPPI and ICW, and partners in three provinces, all of whom are supported through a program managed within AIPJ by The Asia Foundation. These organisations engage with anti-corruption institutions to help ensure transparency and accountability in provincial and district governments. They are also active in sectors of the economy which are most vulnerable to corruption, such as natural resource management.